Thursday, May 29, 2008

An Amazing God

Just had to post this. Was just watching the weather and they showed video from yesterday's rain in Jackson. The rain I left in and rode for 50 miles caused flash flooding in Jackson all day. They showed small motor boats on the interstates!

Don't we serve an amazing, sustaining God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next Morning

Seems strange not to be getting ready to ride today. Just sitting in the lobby of Hampton Inn, Natchez, chillin'. Preston is still asleep. Of course, I was wide awake at 6:00 am. I just got ready and came on down and will let him sleep as long as he wants.

Amazingly, I feel good today. I would take a spin around town but I don't have any clean riding clothes. Ha. Ha. :) Glad to be getting a rest.

I'm in no hurry to do anything today. Eventually I do need to get to Russellville. We will accomplish that sometime today. Lori gets off at five. Maybe we should be there by then. You think?

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Day Five (Final Day) Report

And the rains came. And the wind finally quit blowing. And it rained for 50 miles.

Well, I finally arrived in Natchez Wednesday afternoon, 453.57 miles from our starting point in Nashville. Today's ride was 94.48 miles, including our personal parade through downtown Natchez. Most thought we were just riding through town to get to our car, we were celebrating a mission accomplished.

I started at 9:00 this morning in the pouring rain. And for 50 miles we rode in the steady, often heavy rain. Finally it stopped when we stopped for our second refueling stop. I was not "bad to the bone," I was wet to the bone. But you know, riding in the rain and being wet the final miles was much better than riding into a stiff 10-15 mph wind. In fact, it felt so good I think I could have ridden much more this afternoon. It's about 9:00 pm now as I post this, and I couldn't ride another foot. I have expended every bit of energy I had getting me to this point.

The temperature was also very conducive to good riding. Between 75 and 80 all day, and cloudy after the rain stopped. No heat fatigue which made it much nicer.

I was so thankful this morning that I was able to begin the last leg I became overwhelmed with emotion and that lasted, oh, 10 miles. I finally gathered myself and did OK until the last ten miles then I was flooded with emotion all over again. I get so emotional because I think about laying in the hospital two years ago grossly overweight and out of shape, with excessively high blood pressure. And now I have just ridden 453 miles on a bicycle in five days. Still overweight, but able to do physical activity like I never imagined I could. And doing something I have really learned to enjoy. And doing it with good friends and Preston. And Lori helping the first two days. So many people helped. So many needed to make it possible. And I was able to raise a little money for missions and cancer research.

I'm exhausted, I admit. If I had to ride tomorrow I probably could. But right now, I'm exhausted. And I'm saddle sore. All a part of riding 453 miles in 5 days.

When I have recouped a little, I will post my reflections/musings from the ride. I will post a few more pictures as well. In the meantime, I'm going to sleep and relax. And try to talk Preston into driving home.

There is so many people to thank and I will do it properly later. But thanks to everyone who made the ride possible and gave financially toward the project.

It's been an unbelievable 5 days. Five days of challenge that I never imagined I could accomplish. And I didn't. God did.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Day Four Report

More wind today. But we made it safely, with strength and stamina to Jackson (actually Clinton), Mississippi. Today's ride was 71.9 miles. The pace was a little faster today but still slow because of the wind.

The 71.9 miles today was beautiful, as has been all the days. Today we rode 10 miles or so along side a resevoir just before getting to Jackson. We saw all kinds of wildlife along this stretch and then just after leaving this section I saw a family of deer right by the road just staring at me. I can only imagine what they were thinking as they saw me pass by.

If I wasn't saddle sore I would be feeling really good. My legs and lungs are holding out perfectly. But after four days on the bike my saddle is reaking havoc. Oh well, it was expected. Part of the process of riding 444 miles in 5 days.

We finish up tomorrow. Its hard to believe the final day has arrived. Preston and I have planned a parade lap around downtown Natchez when we arrive. Nobody will know what is going on besides us. But it will be fun to do anyway. Kind of like they do on the final day of Tour de France.

I'll do ride reflections in the wrap up post. Here are some pics from Days Two through Four. The pics ended up at the top for some reason.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Day Three Report

We are in Kosciusko, Mississippi, having finished 102.5 miles from Tupelo. This was by far the hardest day. The route wasn't difficult at all, but there is the "x" factor, called wind. The wind blew from the south southwest at 15 mph, gusting to 20. That makes the wind dead into my face, which makes cycling very difficult, especially when you are riding 103 miles on day 3. I felt like I was peddling in water. Needless to say, the pace was very slow. I was going nowhere in a hurry most of the time. I worked harder today than I have worked in a long time on my bike. I was bargaining with God all day trying to get the wind to stop blowing!! Didn't work. Alas, at mile 90 it finally died down some.

I cannot kid you. I am saddle sore. Three days and 286 miles and my back side is screaming. I have all the necessary pharmaceuticals to treat it. Hopefully it will be better tomorrow.

Preston was able to ride 101 miles even though he had to serve as our SAG and my domistique (helper). He would ride while I was resting and then drive the car to the next stop and then ride and meet me, etc. He did a great job.

Tomorrow we have a shorter day. Only 70 miles to Jackson. We already have a nap planned as soon as we get to our motel.

The coolest God-thing happened at Pizza Hut tonight in Kosciusko. A family that sat in the booth next to us was very friendly and we were talking and ended up telling about our ride. As we were leaving, he walked up to shake my hand and gave me $100!!!!! A total stranger, but unified in spirit and wanted to give to this cause. I was floored. I will never be able to tell the story Sunday due to excessive crying. Happens often to me these days. Cried on my bike today thinking how awesome God is. Whew.

Finally, I have a list of reflections already and was going to post some of them but it is too late. Its 11:09. By the time we get in, eat, clean up, get ready for tomorrow, etc. it is late. Thus why there is no pictures as well. I'll have time tomorrow. Pictures and early reflections on the blog tomorrow (Tuesday).

We are planning on leaving around 9 in the morning. About a five hour ride to Jackson.

Talk to you tomorrow night.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Day Two Report

Day two is in the books and we are now in Tupelo. We got started later than anticipated because we had a big day at church and it took me a while to get away. Left Colbert Ferry around 2:45 headed for Tupelo. Estimated distance was around 67 miles. The day was another successful day as we made it to our predetermined location. We had no problems today other than my legs that were streaming from the lactic acid buildup over two days.

We ended up riding 66 plus miles today. The route seemed to be one long, winding uphill stretch after another. Seemed to never end. Just kept going uphill.

Shawn Greenhill joined Buddy Perdue, Preston and myself riding today. Very enjoyable. Buddy did all the work and rode out front for the last 30 or so miles. He is strong. A very good rider.

No pictures to post today. Dead battery. Whoops, my bad. I forgot to charge it last night.

I can sense the prayer support and the encouragement. Continue to pray. Strength. Stamina. Safety. Later.